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Key Dates

  • August 24, 2019- Aurora Police Department confronted Elijah McClain after responding to a call about an unarmed person wearing a ski mask that looked “sketchy.” Aurora Fire Rescue responded to the scene as well and ketamine was administered to Elijah McClain. While on scene, Elijah McClain went into cardiac arrest.

  • August 30, 2019 - Elijah McClain died.

  • June 19, 2020 - Governor Jared Polis signed The Police Integrity Transparency and Accountability Act, also known as Senate Bill 217 (SB217) into law. This bill provided, among other things, a basis for the Colorado Attorney General to open a civil investigation of any governmental authority for engaging in a pattern or practice conduct that violates state or federal constitutionals or laws. A pattern or practice investigation looks at whether members of a government agency have a pattern of misconduct related to the rights, privileges, or immunities of people that those members interact with.

  • July 20, 2020- Aurora City Council passed a resolution to convene an Independent Review Panel to invesetigate the Elijah McClain incident.

  • August 11, 2020- Colorado Attorney General’s Office launched a patternor practice investigation into the Aurora Police Department.

  • February 22, 2021- An Independent Reciew Panel released its report. The report can be found here:

  • September 15, 2021- Colorado Attorney General released its pattern or practice report into the practices of the Aurora Police Department and the Aurora Fire Rescue and recommended that the City of Aurora enter into a consent decree.

  • November 16, 2021- The City of Aurora agreed to enter into a Consent Decree.

  • November 22, 2021- Aurora City Council approved the Consent Decree.

  • February 15, 2022- IntegrAssure, LLC, with its President and CEO, Jeff Schlanger as the Lead Monitor, was selected as the Consent Decree Monitoring Team. The rest of the team can be found here:

  • May 16, 2022- Documentation of Contacts Policy Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • May 16, 2022- Civil Service Outside Expert Retention Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • June 15, 2022- Stops Policy Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • June 15, 2022- Force Review Board Process Improvement Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • July 15, 2022- Use of Force Metrics Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • August 14, 2022- Stops Policy Training Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • November 12, 2022- Use of Force Policy Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • December 12, 2022- Use of Force Policy Adoption Deadline

  • February 15, 2023- Use of Force Training Development Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • February 15, 2023- Stops Training Completion Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • February 15, 2023- Bias Training Development Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • February 15, 2023- Initial Measurement Plan Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • May 16, 2023- Recruitment Plan Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • May 16, 2023- Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations Modification Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • August 9, 2023- Use of Force Training Completion Deadline (Consent Decree)

  • February 15, 2024- Bias Training Completion Deadline (Consent Decree)

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